I love to run. In fact I would pretty much say I'm addicted. I always find I have my biggest "AHA!" moments while I'm out running. I have nothing to distract me. No phone to check. No dinging going off with incoming text messages. No kids calling my name every 5 seconds. It's just me & my thoughts.
When I'm home it's a different story. All those things that I love to escape while running are now staring at me in the face. Or are they? My mind has felt jumbled lately. I feel like my days are running into each other and I'm just hanging on. As I was spending time in prayer today that phrase "BE STILL" popped into my mind. I took it differently today than I typically do...I felt called to BE STILL with my time. Stop checking my phone every 5 seconds (I know I'm not alone:). Stop feeling like you have to know EVERYTHING that's going on with your friends & the world. Allow yourself to be still.
Now I can't escape my kids, but I think most of us probably feel heavy with the weight of taking on "stuff" that we don't need to consume ourselves with. In order to be the best ME I can be, I don't need to worry about why Miley Cyrus is doing what she's doing. Or who Taylor Swift is dating now. Right? Jokes aside, I need to be the best mom, wife, friend, and Director that I can be.
So what are you allowing to consume your mind? We can't hear God's gentle whisper when our TV's are blaring. We can't see God at work around us when we're staring at our computers all day. Pray that God would show you what's distracting you from Him. There are amazing things going on around us that we are missing because we aren't willing to be still. You don't have to be doing "something" every second of the day. Be ok with silence. Be ok with just sitting and thinking. Be still.