We always hear the saying that 'success isn't always easy, but it's worth it' right? But sometimes we need to be reminded that this saying is 100% truth.
I have to admit that sometimes I just don't want to be "uncomfortable". Sometimes I don't want to do those things that are hard or inconvenient because, well, they are just that- hard and inconvenient.
After a few month break from running, I've jumped back in preparing for my races this Spring. The other day I went on a run on snow covered streets. It was 30 degrees out & very windy. I'm also very out of shape and have been battling sickness for over a week. As I was coming up a huge hill I just wanted to stop. I started to say to myself "what in the world are you doing?? It's cold, you've been sick and exhausted. Just rest." My mind then shot to the Olympics that I've been glued to. Those athletes aren't stopping when it's too hard or they're tired. They push through pain, discomfort, tiredness. 'No excuses' is their motto I'm sure. That gave me the push I needed to get up the hill and finish my run. I knew to get to my next level and run faster race times it wasn't going to be easy. But it was going to be worth it in the end.
My mind then went to my business. Why do I think that I'm going to get to my next level in my business if I'm not willing to be inconvenienced? I know that growth in Mary Kay can sometimes mean pushing through fear, insecurities, self doubt, tiredness and uncomfortable situations. But in the end it's always worth it, isn't it? Making an extra $2,000 this month is worth making those scary booking calls. Or talking to that neighbor or co-worker that freaks you out:) Reaching your goal may mean taking 2 hours out of your relaxing Saturday to go hold a party. Or give up 1 lunch break a week to make some phone calls.
As humans we usually want to do what's easy and comfortable. We don't want to stretch ourselves because sometimes that hurts. But I had to ask myself in that moment- do I want to keep staying where I'm at, or do I want to be in a new place a year from now? I want growth. And growth means I need to have a 'no excuses' attitude about work.