Saturday, November 30, 2013


"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him"- James 1:5

As I was praying this morning, I prayed for wisdom.  It's something I know I need to ask for, but I tend to forget.  Yet, I know that "man's" understanding will never touch God's.  I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead a unit in Mary Kay as a Sales Director, and to lead my offspring Directors as well.  I am often reminded that I need God's direction, because isn't it Him who put me in this position to begin with?  So this morning as I prayed for wisdom, I asked that the noise of this world would not influence me.  That I would be able to distance myself from the world and it's "wisdom".  I knew that meant allowing God's Truth to soak in more than the world's "truth".  

And then it hit me.  I purposely put myself in the world's "truth" daily.  And not just put myself, but immerse myself.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TV, magazines.  I could go on & on.  The world is influencing my mind and I can slowly feel myself pulling away from what's real Truth.  The things of this world begin to have a greater hold over me than God.  And that's when I begin to feel unsettled. Not content. Sad.  Frustrated.  Fearful.  Doubtful.  

Today I am going to be purposeful to strip away the things that distract me.  Being connected isn't bad, but when it has a strong hold over you and your time, it's unhealthy.  I want to be still so that I can hear God's voice.  I want Him to lead my steps and tell me which way to go.  Pray for wisdom today, and then be still to hear His voice.  

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