Monday, January 23, 2012

Just pray

Do you ever sit down to work and think to yourself "what should I be doing?" That happens to me often- I go to work, but I'm not quiet sure what to do. It's always after I pray over my life and my business that I have complete clarity in my work. All of a sudden a light bulb goes off in my head and I know EXACTLY what I should be doing.

This morning schools were delayed for 2 hours, which meant my 4 hour window of time to work while my daughter is in preschool was cut down to 2 hours. I started to panic- I have so much to do, but not enough time. As I asked myself "what's the most important thing you need to do today", prayer jumped to my mind. Prayer is THE most important thing we can do with our time and for our businesses. Yes, I need to make booking calls. Yes, I need to connect with my hostesses. Yes, I need to sell product. But none of that is going to matter if God is not in control of it all. So after giving myself time to sit and pray, my whole day came together. I knew exactly who to call and what to do.

Are you making prayer the number one thing on your 6 most important list every day? If not, you're probably feeling lost and like your scrambling. Stop, be still and just pray about it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Romans 8:28

One of the reasons I feel like God has led me to Sales Director is to share my faith. I feel blessed to have the honor to lead such an amazing group of women, but I’ve felt lately like I need to be doing more! I’m excited to start this blog as a way to share my journey through Mary Kay and how my faith is strengthened daily.

This business is not always easy, but I truly believe it is worth it. The blessings of seeing women reach a goal or grow personally overshadows the disappointments, cancellations & letdowns. It’s a test of faith. It’s a test of keeping going when you just want to give up some days. But I know God has me here for a purpose, so I keep going because I truly believe good things are worth fighting for!

As I sought today answers to questions and the direction to take our Unit, a verse was placed before me- “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26)

Some days I just need to lay my confusion & heartache at God’s feet and say “I don’t know what to ask for or say, but You do, so please guide me”. My pastor shared something the week he preached on this verse- “Our certainty is God when life is uncertain”. Are you feeling stuck or confused? Do you feel in a rut? Maybe your business is not going where you want it to be. Then lay your uncertainty before a certain God and trust. That’s all I can do some days is to say “God guide me in whatever way You desire, because I don’t know where to go”. Pray and then be willing to wait for God’s voice. He will answer. Maybe not always in the way we thought or even want, but He will answer.

Be patient. His timing is not our timing. I want answers within 30 seconds of my prayers. God may take years.

And trust that when He places His dream on your heart that He will deliver. We sometimes bail out of frustration or fear or doubt. But God is faithful and will come through for us. He’s not here to let us down. But His timing for our dreams usually looks different than our timing. So trust and wait. And continue to pray!