Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do you have the right tools?

I decided this morning that I was going to start getting up at 5am to run.  I know...5 am!  Running is something I love to do, but have struggled to fit it in with kids.  So this morning my husband woke me up at 5am when he was getting up for work to go run.  In my half stupor, I couldn't find my running watch.  My husband leaves for work at 5:40am on the dot.  I knew I could not be even a minute late or he would miss his vanpool, and I decided I was just going to guess how long I had been running for.  I'm usually pretty good about guessing my pace and distance, so I didn't think it would be an issue.  Until I started running.  At 5am.  I realized my brain & body weren't ready to be up that early.  I'm pretty sure the first mile I was in a daze.  And I had no clue what pace I was going.  I started to panic, thinking "what if I'm late".  I didn't want to take the chance, so I came home only to find out I still had plenty of time I could have kept running.  And my watch was sitting right there on the table!

As I sat on the couch, tired & frustrated, I realized I didn't set myself up for success.  I always struggle to find my watch, so I should have looked for it the night before.  Without the proper tools, my attempt to do a great early morning run turned into a short & non-enjoyable run. 

I find that we can do this in our own businesses.  We have great tools at our finger tips, but we don't use them.  Maybe it's because we didn't plan for success, or maybe it's because you don't think they're important.  But I want to reassure you that they are important!  I realized that later in the day today when I was at the post office mailing out lots of packages.  One of the packages was filled with Look Books to a consultant and it happened to pop open while my packages were being weighed.  About 30 seconds later a lady walked in and saw my Mary Kay bag.  She asked me if I did Mary Kay, and when I replied I did, she immediately asked if I had a catalog.  I replied "not with me right now," but told her that I do have a business card & can get you a catalog.  The smart thinking postmaster replied "why don't you take one from this package that just popped open".  Thank goodness I didn't seal that envelope correctly before I left home:)  Was I set up for success?  Partly:)  I had my business cards, but not the one thing most new people we meet want- a catalog. 

So what are the tools you need to have ready?  Well, learn from me and always have business cards & catalogs on you at all times.  You never know when you'll run into someone looking for a beauty consultant!  Do you have hostess packets ready to go when someone calls you to book a party?  Is your datebook ready with the times you are available to work?  Are your skin care class bags ready so when a customer wants an impromptu facial you're not scrambling to get ready? 

Let's make sure we are prepared for success!  Get your tools ready.  They will make your journey so much easier!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Living with a grateful heart

I woke up this morning with a huge appreciation for life.  Lately I have often been consumed with the frustrating things in life- my business sometimes not going exactly as I want, time away from my husband, crazy schedules, kids throwing tantrums, etc.  I was reminded today that although these things are frustrating, they don't define my life.  And there are many who were taken from this earth today who won't get to experience these things anymore.  Yes, life can be frustrating.  But I also have to remind myself that life is a gift.  

A friend lost her 5 year old son over Labor Day weekend when he drowned during what was supposed to be a relaxing family weekend.  I am daily reminded to enjoy the little things in life that we tend to look over.  As she shared today on Facebook that she misses seeing him wave goodbye as the bus drives away every morning, it hit me to enjoy those small things.  Can it be frustrating trying to get out the door on time to the bus stop every day?  Yes:)  But I'm learning to see those moments as a gift.  

Let's try to not allow those frustrating, small things to consume our lives.  Be thankful for what you do have.  And be thankful for every breath you take, because every breath is a gift from God.  Tomorrow is not promised.  Relish this moment.  Craziness and all:)

See how you can "Go Out & Be Great" in honor of Nathan Baker!  Visit http://nathanchrisbaker.wordpress.com for more info!  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Power of Work

I was listening to a great CD today from Success Magazine, and they touched on a topic that I think is so important for us as entrepreneurs to remember! The speaker was John Assaraf (who built Re Max into a billion dollar company). He talked about how when he was 19 years old he got into real estate. His mentor gave him a piece of paper with 100 boxes on it. The last box had $15,000 in it. His mentor told him that when he had made 100 outgoing calls that he would make $15,000. He gave John a script and practiced it with him. The script basically introduced his business to strangers and asked if they were in the market to sell their home. Based on whether they said "yes" or "no" he then went to a specific script. He said he learned an important lesson during that first year. First, he learned the power of scripts. He said that was integral to his success. Second, he saw that it was easy NOT to do the work. 20 other employees in his office were given the same challenge- only 2 took the challenge on. At the end of that first year John had made $30,000. He kept doing the work and at the end of the 2nd year he made $150,000!!!

It was important to see someone succeed in another field applying the same concepts we're taught. He shared that we can be busy not doing the right things. He said to make sure that we are doing the things that will have the highest impact or income result as we work towards our vision. Which is what Mary Kay always teaches us- make sure you're doing the most important things that are income producing. We can "work" hard doing things that aren't moving our businesses forward.

As you work towards your goals let's make sure you are sticking to the basics! Are you using a script EVERY time you make an outgoing call? If not, learn from those before you. Mary Kay has been around for almost 50 years using the same scripts you have! Don't reinvent the wheel:) Allow the women who are where you want to be give you the words to say! And lastly, are you working the numbers? We need to be willing to talk to enough women to get the results. The numbers always work out if you're willing to put in the effort. Let's have powerful growth like John did as we work the numbers!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The good things in life...

I find that consultants often get frustrated when their businesses don't magically fall in to place. They want to give up when the initial excitement wears off and they realize this is "work".

I had this realization yesterday (which really isn't anything grand at all:)...anything good in life takes work.

I've had the pleasure of being married for 10 years this year to my amazing husband. I've loved every year we've had together, but a good marriage takes work. If we didn't try at our marriage it would fall apart. We have to purposely plan for time together (full time jobs, kids & hobbies definitely make alone time together complicated)!! We have to be willing to work through hard times. Being imperfect, we let each other down, and we then have to learn how to work through disappointments. This all takes work. But has it been worth it to have a solid, enjoyable marriage? YES!!

Being in good shape also takes work. I think every girl wants to feel pretty in her clothes, but we have to make conscious choices to exercise & eat healthy. It's not always easy, but it's worth it when you fit into your favorite dress or pair of jeans! It takes work!

One other thing that is personal to me is being a good parent. I pride myself in being the best parent I can be, but that too takes work. It's very easy to leave the TV on all day and relax (not to say I haven't done that a few times:)! Kids can be frustrating. Kids will disappoint us. Kids will test us. It takes conscious effort to choose to love them despite their tantrums, quirks & endless energy. By seeing all of the bad parents out there in this world, I realized I have the choice for how I raise my kids. Being a mom truly is a full time job! And it's not an easy one. But again it's worth it.

There are so many examples I could share, but the point is, anything good in life takes work. Including your business. This is an amazing business, but you have to be willing to work towards what you want. We often "think" about what we want to do, but action is required. Don't deceive yourself thinking that you're working, when you're actually just thinking about working. Let's be willing to put the work in so you can reap the rewards. Free cars, diamonds, full time income- I'm pretty sure it's worth it!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just pray

Do you ever sit down to work and think to yourself "what should I be doing?" That happens to me often- I go to work, but I'm not quiet sure what to do. It's always after I pray over my life and my business that I have complete clarity in my work. All of a sudden a light bulb goes off in my head and I know EXACTLY what I should be doing.

This morning schools were delayed for 2 hours, which meant my 4 hour window of time to work while my daughter is in preschool was cut down to 2 hours. I started to panic- I have so much to do, but not enough time. As I asked myself "what's the most important thing you need to do today", prayer jumped to my mind. Prayer is THE most important thing we can do with our time and for our businesses. Yes, I need to make booking calls. Yes, I need to connect with my hostesses. Yes, I need to sell product. But none of that is going to matter if God is not in control of it all. So after giving myself time to sit and pray, my whole day came together. I knew exactly who to call and what to do.

Are you making prayer the number one thing on your 6 most important list every day? If not, you're probably feeling lost and like your scrambling. Stop, be still and just pray about it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Romans 8:28

One of the reasons I feel like God has led me to Sales Director is to share my faith. I feel blessed to have the honor to lead such an amazing group of women, but I’ve felt lately like I need to be doing more! I’m excited to start this blog as a way to share my journey through Mary Kay and how my faith is strengthened daily.

This business is not always easy, but I truly believe it is worth it. The blessings of seeing women reach a goal or grow personally overshadows the disappointments, cancellations & letdowns. It’s a test of faith. It’s a test of keeping going when you just want to give up some days. But I know God has me here for a purpose, so I keep going because I truly believe good things are worth fighting for!

As I sought today answers to questions and the direction to take our Unit, a verse was placed before me- “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26)

Some days I just need to lay my confusion & heartache at God’s feet and say “I don’t know what to ask for or say, but You do, so please guide me”. My pastor shared something the week he preached on this verse- “Our certainty is God when life is uncertain”. Are you feeling stuck or confused? Do you feel in a rut? Maybe your business is not going where you want it to be. Then lay your uncertainty before a certain God and trust. That’s all I can do some days is to say “God guide me in whatever way You desire, because I don’t know where to go”. Pray and then be willing to wait for God’s voice. He will answer. Maybe not always in the way we thought or even want, but He will answer.

Be patient. His timing is not our timing. I want answers within 30 seconds of my prayers. God may take years.

And trust that when He places His dream on your heart that He will deliver. We sometimes bail out of frustration or fear or doubt. But God is faithful and will come through for us. He’s not here to let us down. But His timing for our dreams usually looks different than our timing. So trust and wait. And continue to pray!