Saturday, November 30, 2013


"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him"- James 1:5

As I was praying this morning, I prayed for wisdom.  It's something I know I need to ask for, but I tend to forget.  Yet, I know that "man's" understanding will never touch God's.  I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead a unit in Mary Kay as a Sales Director, and to lead my offspring Directors as well.  I am often reminded that I need God's direction, because isn't it Him who put me in this position to begin with?  So this morning as I prayed for wisdom, I asked that the noise of this world would not influence me.  That I would be able to distance myself from the world and it's "wisdom".  I knew that meant allowing God's Truth to soak in more than the world's "truth".  

And then it hit me.  I purposely put myself in the world's "truth" daily.  And not just put myself, but immerse myself.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TV, magazines.  I could go on & on.  The world is influencing my mind and I can slowly feel myself pulling away from what's real Truth.  The things of this world begin to have a greater hold over me than God.  And that's when I begin to feel unsettled. Not content. Sad.  Frustrated.  Fearful.  Doubtful.  

Today I am going to be purposeful to strip away the things that distract me.  Being connected isn't bad, but when it has a strong hold over you and your time, it's unhealthy.  I want to be still so that I can hear God's voice.  I want Him to lead my steps and tell me which way to go.  Pray for wisdom today, and then be still to hear His voice.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I will be with you...

"I will be with you".  God told this to Gideon as He called him to save Israel.  And Gideon responded to God with "BUT...".  God was promising Gideon supernatural strength to defeat an army much bigger than his, and all Gideon could look at was his weakness.  

What is God calling you to?  And what are you saying "BUT..." to?  I read this commentary in my Bible that summed it up beautifully to me-

"Although God promises us the tools and strength we need, we often make excuses.  But reminding God of our limitations only implies that He doesn't know all about us or that He has made a mistake in evaluating our character."  

We need to have faith that if God says "GO", that He will provide.  Despite our weaknesses.  Despite our shortcomings.  Despite all of the odds against us.  We can sit and make endless excuses, but we will probably then live a life of regret.  God saw that Gideon was a warrior, even when Gideon couldn't see it for himself.  God sees who He created you to be, even when you can't see it for yourself yet.  Trust His voice.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I love to run.  In fact I would pretty much say I'm addicted.  I always find I have my biggest "AHA!" moments while I'm out running.  I have nothing to distract me.  No phone to check. No dinging going off with incoming text messages.  No kids calling my name every 5 seconds.  It's just me & my thoughts.  

When I'm home it's a different story.  All those things that I love to escape while running are now staring at me in the face.  Or are they?  My mind has felt jumbled lately.  I feel like my days are running into each other and I'm just hanging on.  As I was spending time in prayer today that phrase "BE STILL" popped into my mind.  I took it differently today than I typically do...I felt called to BE STILL with my time.  Stop checking my phone every 5 seconds (I know I'm not alone:).  Stop feeling like you have to know EVERYTHING that's going on with your friends & the world.  Allow yourself to be still.  

Now I can't escape my kids, but I think most of us probably feel heavy with the weight of taking on "stuff" that we don't need to consume ourselves with.  In order to be the best ME I can be, I don't need to worry about why Miley Cyrus is doing what she's doing.  Or who Taylor Swift is dating now.  Right?  Jokes aside, I need to be the best mom, wife, friend, and Director that I can be.  

So what are you allowing to consume your mind?  We can't hear God's gentle whisper when our TV's are blaring.  We can't see God at work around us when we're staring at our computers all day.  Pray that God would show you what's distracting you from Him.  There are amazing things going on around us that we are missing because we aren't willing to be still.  You don't have to be doing "something" every second of the day.  Be ok with silence.  Be ok with just sitting and thinking.  Be still.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The following article is an excerpt from a speech given by a direct seller
at a local meeting. We are told she was asked to speak on how direct sales
compares to working a "regular" job. It was submitted to us, and although
the original author is unknown, we wish to thank her for her thoughts and
insights. We have edited it to share with you as you embark on a brand new
year, with new opportunities to count the many blessings we have in this
Lately, I have heard so many people say how difficult direct sales is.
"Its hard." "I can't get bookings." "This just isn't for me." "I didn't
know how difficult it would be."

Well, I am a single mom of three who, before joining the direct sales
family, held down two jobs. I would get up at 4:00 in the morning and not
get to bed until midnight most nights, after returning from my part-time
retail job, packing lunches, checking homework and relieving my mother,
who helped out with the kids.

That, my friends, is difficult.

It is difficult always having to lower your dreams to meet your means. It
is difficult to miss your son's football game because you have to work. It
is difficult knowing the rust bucket you call a car is eating you alive in
maintenance, but you can't afford a new one. It is difficult to realize
that someone else is going to watch your daughter take her first step or
have your son say mama to the preschool teacher.

It is difficult knowing that you have spent 40 years of your life working
for someone else, only to realize that you will be retiring on one-third
of what you can live on today. Or, worse yet, it is difficult knowing that
you have diligently worked all your life, only to be given an early
retirement and replaced by someone younger, more capable.

I will tell you what is difficult. It is difficult waking up one morning
and realizing that your children, the most precious things imaginable, no
longer need bottles, diapers, have tea parties, or are shorter than the
baseball bat they are trying to swing. It is difficult realizing it is too
late and that the time frittered away can never be retrieved. It slips
through our fingers one second at a time.

It is also difficult watching the spark in your partner's eyes fade
because both of you realize the house you have been wanting is just a
dream because someone else is controlling your finances.

We have nasty habits about rationalizing, procrastination and skirting
important things, rather than facing the issues. Too often we allow others
who do not pay our bills, who do not share our dreams, to direct our futures.

As children we have absolutely no freedom; we rebel in our teens and
scream for freedom. We reach adulthood and are finally free, only to
relinquish that freedom because we think it is too difficult. We do not
want to take responsibility. We do not want to make a wrong decision, so
we obligingly give that awesome power to someone else. We wake up too
late. We hear ourselves uttering phrases like: "I wish I had only . . ."
and "If I could do it over again."

You have no one but yourself to blame. You had the chance. Perhaps the
opportunity was presented many times and each time you elevated the
trivial to a higher priority than yourself.

Let me ask you: Is direct sales really difficult?

Is it so traumatic to show someone an exciting product or idea? Is it so
difficult to understand that if you work this marketing idea for three to
five years, you just might finally be able to send your children to a
college chosen by excellence, rather than one chosen by price? That you
could finally put your family in the home of their dreams?

Would you work really hard for eight to ten years, so you could mold a
lifestyle of your choosing, so your family could live a lifestyle of their
dreams, rather than trying to live how someone else thinks you should live?

How difficult is it to pick up the phone and call your hostess? How
difficult is it to pack up your kit and meet some new friends? How
difficult is it, really, to share what you love with others? Think about it.

Realize the awesome power you have in your hands with direct sales. There
are people out there working three jobs. There are people drowning in
debt; or agonizing through bankruptcy, realizing they only needed a couple
hundred more dollars per month. That is difficult!

This business you have chosen has the ability to change lives. Direct
sales cannot do anything. But YOU can change lives with it. You are the
one with the life-changing ability. What are you waiting for?

There is difficulty and pain in success, and there is difficulty and pain
in failure. Difficulty and pain in success will last a short period of
time; but pain in failure lasts a lifetime. Which one is really more difficult?

You will pay a price for your actions, and your choices.

Which choice will you make?